As an executive coach with over 18 years of experience developing leaders and optimizing teams, including 15 years in-house at Silicon Valley tech companies, I'm passionate about helping individuals find joy and ease in their work while still achieving great things.

I know firsthand what it feels like to be successful and have it not be enough. I've made two major career pivots after reaching the top of the ladder and realizing it wasn't bringing the satisfaction I craved. That's why I'm dedicated to helping successful professionals truly feel and enjoy their accomplishments, maintain their velocity, and get what they want out of both their career and life.

I believe you can be wildly successful without sacrificing who you are.

We are all leaders, whether we own that role or not, and by embracing our leadership potential, we can find love and purpose in what we do. My role is to help you transform not just what you achieve, but what success looks and feels like.

Welcome! I’m Mari Sciabica

How I Can Help

I provide personalized coaching for executives and rising leaders who want to:

  • Find their authentic leadership style

  • Navigate taking on more responsibility when already at capacity

  • Make a successful career pivot

  • Lead effectively through times of hypergrowth or change

  • Manage challenging employee situations

  • Develop a strong executive presence, even in toxic cultures

My Approach

My six-month individual coaching program provides bespoke development tailored to your specific needs and goals. It includes:

  • In-depth intake to understand your current situation and objectives

  • iEQ9 Enneagram assessment and debrief to identify type-specific strengths and growth areas

  • Personalized vision, plan, and practices to help you achieve your goals

  • 12 one-on-one coaching sessions to provide guidance and accountability

  • Ongoing support via phone, email, and text

My Background

  • 10+ years Executive Coaching experience

  • 18+ years developing leaders at all levels

  • Certified in iEQ9, Birkman, MBTI, and Integral Coaching

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the ICF

  • Experienced leading global teams in-house

Let's Connect

I'd love to learn more about you and explore how I can help. Schedule a free sample coaching session to get started!

Looking forward to connecting and working together to help you thrive!

Warmly, Mari

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Before finding my calling…

I was a farm girl, a scientist, and a karate instructor.

I now invest my energy, my scientific mind, and my whole heart in helping others lead bravely and boldly.